Ayrton Senna

🕒 Razgovori o prošlim vremenima, mjesto za iskusne članove.


Formula 1
Formula 1
Postovi: 2081
S nama već: 8 god 6 mj
Navija za: Fernanda, Ocon (Qatar23 )
Evo približavamo se VN Brazila. U Sao Paulo je obilježeno 25 godina kako ga nema......
Slučajno naletio na ovaj video clip:

https://www.youtube.com/...login to view the rest of this post
......ne mogu, ali hoću...... :mrgreen: .....biti po svome,.....

Takes more than combat gear to make a man.
Takes more than a license for a gun.
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can.
A gentleman will walk, but never run

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